Directory Activities

There is always something going on in Halton and St Helens and this is the best place to find out what’s what.
We have catalogued countless activities suitable for everyone from toddlers to their grandparents. Use our search facility to discover what is happening by area or interest. There are even activities online for those who us have grown to love joining in from the comfort of our own home over the last few years.
Take your pick today and let the fun begin!

  • 50+ Fitness

    Delivered by
    Tuesdays 11-11.45am | Cost: Paid

    Fitness sessions for the over 50's. Cost £4.00 per session.

    Accessibility – Building includes stairs
  • A Good Yarn knitting, crochet & more

    Delivered by
    Every other MONDAY from 2-3:30 (drop in anytime)
    starting 25th April
    then: 9th May, 23rd May, 6th June, 20th June
    | Cost: Free

    Enjoy a relaxing afternoon and meet others interested in yarn crafts.

    Accessibility – Accessible building
  • Accordions

    Mondays 1pm-4pm | Cost: Paid

    Social accordionist group. £4 per session.

    Accessibility – Acessible building
  • Active Bingo

    Delivered by
    Every Wednesday | Cost: Paid

    Join us to play Prize Bingo with just a little very gentle chair-based exercise
    3pm Tea, coffee, biscuits and chat
    £2 per session

    Accessibility – Accessible building
  • Active Through Football - Men's Football

    Delivered by
    Fridays 4-5pm | Cost: Free

    Active Through Football has put on a free men’s session on Fridays at Brookvale rec 3g facility, 4pm- 5pm.
    There’s no commitment and it is literally just a ‘kick about’.

    Accessibility – Accessible building
  • ADHD Youth Club

    Monthly. Friday 6.30pm - 8.30pm | Cost: Paid

    £2.50 non-members / FREE to members. Clair’s PMP ADHD Youth Club , Monthly Youth Club for children and young people with ADHD.

    Accessibility – Accessible building.
  • Adult Line Dancing

    Every Thursday 6.30pm – 8.30pm | Cost: Paid

    £2.00 per session. An opportunity to meet new friends and have fun in an active and lively line dancing session that will increase fitness and overall sense of wellbeing.

    Accessibility – Accessible building
  • Adults Bingo

    Every Friday from 6.30-9.00pm | Cost: Free

    Everyone welcome.

    Accessibility – Accessible building
  • After School Club

    Term time only. Wednesdays & Fridays 4.30 - 6.30pm. | Cost: Paid

    £1 per session.

    Twice weekly activities for children aged 6-11 (school years 2-6), including fun educational activity, arts & crafts, sports & games.

    Accessibility – Accessible venue.
  • Anxiety and Depression Support Group

    Delivered by
    Every Saturday at 12pm | Cost: Free

    Workshops for those suffering with anxiety, depression. Workshops on Anxiety, depression, health and wellbeing.

    Accessibility – Accessible building