Group Directory
What do you love doing? What do you need help with? Want to make new friends or learn new skills? Or simply want to be part of the community? We have something for everyone right here in our extensive community directory.
It makes it easy for you to navigate the huge amount of organisations that make Halton and St Helens such great places to live.
- Runcorn, WA7 2BE
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet at Scout headquarters, Castle Road, Halton Village, Runcorn weekly. Started in 1914. See more >>
- Widnes, WA8 0FD
Activ Engagement & Education CIC works to better the lives of young people, families and communities in the Central and West Bank, Appleton, Bankfield and surrounding wards of Halton, Widnes, through specialist youth work provision. We provide engaging activities, tailored support, learning opportunities and personal development programmes… See more >>
- Liverpool, L24 9HJ
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers children, young people and their families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, learning difficulties and associated mental health needs. Our engaging, community-based, learning, coaching and mentoring programmes will help you and your family to better recognise, understand… See more >>
- St Helens, WA12 8HR
Supporting those who struggle with self injury and their family through a group setting and online See more >>
- St Helens, WA10 2UE
To promote improved quality of life and empowerment, for people aged 50+ and their carers. Our mission is: To be – enabling people aged 50+ to make informed decisions about their lives To be – passionate about our work with people aged 50+ To be – draw strength from the combined voices of people aged 50+ To be – innovative, effective and… See more >>
- Wigan, WN5 7LA
To further or benefit residents of the brough and surrounding areas with out distinction of sex, sexual orientation race or political, religious or other opinions to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents. See more >>
- Warrington, WA4 4AE
The Parish Church serving the Boroughs of Halton and Warrington villages and communities of Daresbury, Hatton, Moore, Preston Brook and Sandymoor. To find out more about the Church visit the website. Sunday Services 9:00am Holy Communion 10:30am Parish See more >>
- West Derby, L14 2EP
To raise awareness among the general public of the disadvantage suffered by people who are disabled/carers/or aged, and to highlight the contribution these positive these people can make to society See more >>
- Liverpool, L3 8LR
Leading the fight against dementia. Ensuring a person with dementia lives well. See more >>
- Widnes, WA8 0NQ
Alzheimer's Society is the leading care and research charity for people with dementia and those who care for them. Alzheimer's Society provides information and support for people with all forms of dementia and to those who care for them. We run quality care services, fund research, inform professionals and campaign for improved health… See more >>
To provide financially accessible support to a range of holistic treatments, including but not limited to : mindfulness and meditation workshops, Reiki healing sessions, art and creative therapy sessions, and nature-based activities. To provide individuals with practical tools to encourage a calmer mindset, improve focus, and help participants… See more >>
Fishing club See more >>
- St Helens, WN4 0SJ
The Charity has a vision: Our vision is of a place where all individuals have an opportunity to turn their lives around, to improve society and strengthen communities. To achieve this, the charity will: Offer career, training and vocational advice & guidance for people whose actions or behaviors have led to negative consequences for… See more >>
- St Helens, WA9 4DE
Purpose of Arts Service St.Helens Council’s Arts Service, works with partners across St.Helens to develop the arts in the borough and to widen participation in the arts. The Arts Service supports and works with all art forms including music, dance, drama, creative writing, new media, visual and public art. Activities of Organisation • Delivery… See more >>
- Runcorn, WA7 2BY
A loans and savings co-operative, offering affordable credit to ALL See more >>
- Runcorn, WA7 3HB
St.Helens Mind is an independent, user-focused organisation providing quality services for local people who are experiencing isolation and distress due to mental ill health. We will do this by: Providing a range of services appropriate to the needs of people experiencing mental distress that enhances their self-worth as valued citizens.… See more >>
- St Helens, WN5 7LS
To improve the live of all our residents. The Association will represent all members and their families in consultations locally, build social capital and help to access resources to help raise youth engagement and leisure opportunities for all members to endeavour to raise community spirit. See more >>
- Widnes, WA8 9AJ
Bringing together and fostering a sense of community amongst all residence within the Birchfield Ward. The provision of or the assistance in the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation. Working with the ecology of the ward. See more >>
Body Positive is a local charity promoting better sexual health for all and equality for lesbian gay and bisexual people in Cheshire and North Wales. You can access to free condoms and lube by post, counselling, and advice over the phone, in person or online. There are two support groups currently running, gay and bisexual men (Men with Mugs)… See more >>
- Newton-le-Willows, WA12 0EA
To provide a range of free educational activities to the children of NLW. See more >>
- St. Helens, WA10 6NY
We are a community allotment / garden; we aim to engage with the local community offering a place to socialise outdoors, hopefully learn new skills and make new friends. We offer groups the opportunity to use the site for their own activities. We are currently work alongside the local schools, young people come to us or we go to them and show them… See more >>
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is an award-winning charity dedicated to preventing male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. CALM offers a helpline and webchat service for men of all ages that are free, confidential and anonymous (5pm-midnight daily). Find out more on, or… See more >>
- Widnes, Wa8 4xy
Voluntary Sector Liaison See more >>
- Knowsley, L333TW
Caring Connections is a registered charity with over 27 years experience in supporting vulnerable groups across the local community. As a charity we are committed to connecting people to the highest quality of care and local services to reduce social isolation and improve levels of independence / wellbeing. See more >>
- Widnes, Wa8 0yq
We are running a youth club Monday 6-8 Tuesday 6-8 Thursday 6-8 Hopefully we can extend the days with volunteers See more >>
- St Helens, WA10 1QF
Local drama group, age range 16 to over 70. We play read, improvise and perform plays and poetry.: Where do they meet:The Old Police Station in Runcorn, Wednesday 7.00-9.00: Meeting : weekly See more >>
- St. Helens, WA11 9HT
To maintain the Centre as a venue for hire by groups, organisations and individuals who provide activities, opportunities and services for the community See more >>
- St Helens, WA101UQ
Believe in people At Change Grow Live, above all else we believe in people. It's the one thing that acts as a foundation for all our work. If you use our services: we understand what you're going through. We won't judge. We believe you can make positive changes in your life. If you work or volunteer for us: we believe in your… See more >>
- Northwich, CW8 1BE
ChAPS support families on the autism spectrum, including Aspergers Syndrome, whether diagnosed or not living in Cheshire. We do this in several ways: ● parental support including advice, information, signposting, positive parenting courses, access to Conferences, training and social events. ● children’s activities including… See more >>
To help and support victims of asbestos related diseases. See more >>
- Crewe, CW2 7DE
We are My CWA, formerly known as Cheshire Without Abuse. We’re a Cheshire-based charity supporting families affected by domestic abuse. For more than 40 years, we’ve been working mainly with families in Cheshire East. We offer a whole family service. See more >>
- St Helens, WA9 1LD
- St Helens, WA11 0AW
To be open centre to all the community, \ Activies;- \ Room hire, youthwork, mums.tots, over 60's, Credit union, Finacial advice, Ladies meeting, Faniliting for those with learning difficulties. See more >>
- Merseyside, WA10 1TF
Chrysalis Centre for Change (Chrysalis) is situated in St Helens in the Town Centre and provides a number of services for females over the age of 18 in order to support, empower and inspire them to reach their full potential, resulting in more fulfilled lives. Chrysalis provides group support and one to one therapy for females suffering with… See more >>
- St Helens, wa10 2eb
We are a church charity- 11 churches operating under a single larger Parish. Across our 11 churches we do lots of work in the community with children, vulnerable adults, groups as well as support life events such as funerals. See more >>