Directory Activities
There is always something going on in Halton and St Helens and this is the best place to find out what’s what.
We have catalogued countless activities suitable for everyone from toddlers to their grandparents. Use our search facility to discover what is happening by area or interest. There are even activities online for those who us have grown to love joining in from the comfort of our own home over the last few years.
Take your pick today and let the fun begin!
Beginners Tai Chi- Cancer Support
Delivered byWednesdays 11am-12.00pm | Cost: PaidBeginners Tai chi for cancer support. £5.00 per session.
Accessibility – Accessible buildingBellringing
Delivered byTuesday 7.45pm to 9.00pm | Cost: FreeThe eight 19th century bells at All Saints Church in Runcorn WA7 1LD need more people to ring them. Great low-intensity physical and mental exercise suitable for ages 10 to 100.
Bereavement Cafe
Delivered bySecond Tuesday of month, 1.30pm -3pm | Cost: FreeA bereavement cafe, run in partnership with Willowbrook Hospice, for those who have lost a loved one, and would like to talk to someone without judgement, or just to listen to others.
Accessibility – Ground level accessBingo
Delivered by1st Friday of Month | Cost: PaidSmall entrance fee. Monthly bingo sessions. Small prizes, lots of fun, laughs and friendship. Sessions dates subject to change.
Accessibility – Accessible buildingBlack scorpion karate
Delivered byAdvanced karate session. First two sessions free. All ages.
Black scorpion karate
Delivered byCost: FreeBeginner/intermediate karate class for all ages and levels and anyone who wants to start their karate journey. Free first two sessions.
Blank Canvas Creative Sessions
Delivered byMondays 5-8 | Cost: FreeFree inclusive creative sessions for ages 10 and above. Covering areas such as make up, Dj-ing, acting, music production, voice and dance.
Accessibility – Accessible buildingBorrow a Person.
Delivered byEvery 1st & 2nd Wednesday of the month in Widnes library 10am-12pm. (free tea and coffee provided) | Cost: FreeTalk and listen free of judgement and prejudice.
Accessibility – Accessible buildingBowls (Off 2nd of the month)
Delivered byFirst, third and 4th Mondays of the month, 11am-2pm | Cost: PaidBowling sessions.
Accessibility – Accessible buildingBoxing
Delivered byMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday | Cost: PaidMonday, Wednesday & Friday
Infants, 5-9yrs, 4pm - 4.45pm
Beginners, 10-15yrs, 4.45pm-5.30pm
Carded Schools / Juniors, 10-15yrs, 5.30pm-6.30pm
Youth/Seniors, 16+yrs, 6.30pm-8pm
£2.50 per session (first lesson free)
£3.00 per session (18+ years)
Tuesday & Thursday
Carded boxing squad 4.30pm-6.30pm (Free)
Adult Fitness 7pm-8pm (£3.00 per session)
Still water available to purchase from community cafe for 50p. No fizzy or energy drinks allowed when training.