When: Thursday 8th June at 09:30 – 12:30
Where: Grangeway Youth & Community Centre, Grangeway, Runcorn, WA7 5LY.
Working with self-neglect can be extremely challenging as help and support is not always accepted. A person who shows a serious disregard for their own self-care and wellbeing may put their own health and safety at risk as well as those around them.
Gaining a basic understanding of the features, signs and symptoms of self-neglect will allow participants to be vigilant of risk factors and know how and when to take action.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session attendees to this training will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of adult self-neglect including:
- Definition of self-neglect
- Recognise signs, symptoms and indicators of self-neglect/ potential self-neglect
- Recognise that self-neglect can sometimes happen as the result of many and various ‘triggers’ including Adverse Childhood (ACEs) or Adult Experiences
- Demonstrate an understanding of adult safeguarding including:
- Definition of safeguarding and what is meant by ‘adult at risk’
- Understand what ‘Person Centred Care’ and ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ means and how to apply this in practice.
- Become familiar with Halton Self-Neglect Policy and Procedures and the Self-Neglect and Hoarding Toolkit.
- Understand national policy, guidance and legislative framework, including the Care Act, Care Act Statutory Guidance on self-neglect and where Self-Neglect links to other legal frameworks within Housing, Public Health and Mental Health.
- Identify how ‘ working together’ can help prevent harm and safeguard
- Respond appropriately when a potential risk of harm has been identified
Topics Covered
- Self-neglect and the law
- The role of safeguarding referrals
- Hoarding
- Building long-term working relationships
- Multidisciplinary approaches
Target Audience
This course is aimed primarily at those working in social care, health and support roles within Halton for those with additional needs which arise as part of a disability, impairment or illness.
Delivery method and details
This is a three-hour learning session which involves group discussion, participatory exercises and interactive activity.
It is expected that the knowledge and skills gained will be taken away and embedded into practice. The learner’s organisation will be accountable for measuring competence following training.
There is no preparatory learning associated with this course.
There is no defined renewal period for undertaking this training. Learners are expected to refresh their knowledge as appropriate to their job role requirements.
Bookings can be made through: http://haltonsafeguardingadultsboard.eventbrite.com/