Befriending Services, St Helens Mind
St.Helens Mind is an independent, user-focused organisation providing quality services for local people who are experiencing isolation and distress due to mental ill health. We will do this by:
Providing a range of services appropriate to the needs of people experiencing mental distress that enhances their self-worth as valued citizens.
Promoting increased awareness and understanding of mental health issues within the community.
St.Helens Mind aims to promote and preserve good mental health and to assist those experiencing mental distress to regain their full potential.
Our aim is to support people aged 18+ who are experiencing mental health difficulties in St.Helens Borough so they achieve their full potential and play an active part in community life.
We will achieve this by providing a Befriending Service and Social Groups, by working in close partnership with statutory and community organisations and maintaining a recognised presence in the local and wider community.

Areas Of Work
Groups worked with
People with mental health problems