Youthwatch Halton

20 November 2023

Youthwatch Halton are now under the umbrella of Healthwatch  Halton  and they are looking for young volunteers aged 13-25 to help change local health and social care services for the better.

If you know any young people who would like to shine a light on the issues that matter to them and their friends, please share the information leaflet attached and ask them to get in touch.

Paper copies of the leaflets can be provided to any local organisations and groups by contacting Kathy McMullin by phone on 0300 777 6543 or email 

Finally, if any organisations, groups, schools, colleges, universities or individuals would like them to come and talk about their new opportunity for young people or Healthwatch in general please don't hesitate to contact Kathy.

We are sure you will all agree this is an exciting opportunity for young people in Halton to have their voices heard on Health and Social Care. 

More information attached.

