Pension Credit Awareness
Thanks to our colleagues at St Helens Council for sharing this information.
It is estimated than nationally over 800,000 people are not claiming pension credit they are entitled to.
There is currently a push to ensure that people who are entitled to pension credit are able to make claims prior to December.
NHS In Cheshire And Merseyside Takes Steps To Improve Care And Help Speed Up Discharge For Patients
New ambulances, elective hubs, virtual wards and care transfer hubs are amongst the innovative measures in place to ensure patients in Cheshire and Merseyside receive the best possible NHS care this winter.
Holiday Activity and Food Provision - Winter 2023
Halton Borough Council is delighted to announce that it has secured additional Government Funding from the Department of Education to enable local providers to offer FREE activities during the winter holiday period to school aged children from Reception to Year 11, who receive benefits-related to free school meals. There are also a number of places available to other vulnerable groups of children and young people, such as SEND up to 18yrs, Young Carers, NEET.
Winter 'Warm spaces' 2023 in Halton
Are you planning to offer ‘warm spaces’ drop in sessions this winter.
Age UK Mid Mersey Campaigns
Age UK Mid Mersey currently have two campaigns running around winter pressures; Winter Wellness and Winter Warmth
Winter Wellness