Age UK Mid Mersey Campaigns

20 December 2022


Age UK Mid Mersey currently have two campaigns running around winter pressures; Winter Wellness and Winter Warmth


Winter Wellness

This is focused around keeping well during winter such as keeping up with vaccines, eating well, staying hydrated, getting around safely etc. More information can be found on their website

Also linked to this campaign they are giving away 100 winter wellness bags. Although, they have already given away some and they are intended to be given to those who really need them (they contain a blanket, flask, gloves, calendar, torch etc.)


Winter Warmth

This is focused around making sure people’s homes are warm. They are currently doing home energy checks for anyone aged 65+ more info on their website -

But anyone aged 50+ is encouraged to contact them if they’re struggling to stay warm this winter and they'll see if they can support you in other ways.