What is the Ward Member Grant Scheme?
The Scheme provides a fund for St Helens Councillors to propose and support grant applications on behalf of eligible voluntary or community groups as a contribution towards activities or projects that improve and benefit community wellbeing in line with the Council’s Borough Strategy 2021-2030.
An annual allocation of £2000 is made to each ward councillor, with no carry forward. Each councillor in the ward will have their own allocation. Councillors may, at their discretion, choose to pool allocations to jointly fund grant applications that deliver a benefit across the ward (and across ward boundaries) with the agreement of other ward councillors.
The funding must be used to directly benefit the ward providing the funding or where projects are identified which have a wider benefit, contributions can be made to jointly fund schemes in the same ward or across different wards. Projects must be accessible, safe, and inclusive for the ward’s diverse community, and demonstrate that they are to the benefit of ward residents.
Projects or activities must not require any ongoing costs such as maintenance or revenue that the council would be liable for.
You will need to provide details of the project and how it benefits Community Wellbeing along with two contacts for your community or voluntary group and bank account details. A copy of the group's constitution, terms of reference or Minutes of meetings will also need to be provided.
Each councillor in every ward will be able to submit applications on behalf of groups for up to £2,000 per year with two windows for applications:
Window 1 - applications open on 1 September 2024 to 30 September 2024.
Window 2 - applications open on 1 January 2025 to 31 January 2025.
Window 1 - applications open on 1 June 2025 to 30 June 2025.
Window 2 - applications open on 1 January 2026 to 31 January 2026.
For more information and the full criteria: