Halton Mayor's Charity - Bursary Scheme


The Mayor of Halton, Kevan Wainwright, is fundraising to remove barriers for young people from Halton in pursuing their education, and training and thereby supporting the future talent of the borough. The Mayor wishes to support and encourage aspirations and open opportunities for young people by providing education and training bursaries.

The fund is delivered by the Halton Foundation, established in 2016. The Halton Foundation is a partnership led by Halton Chamber of Commerce, Halton Borough Council and Halton and St Helen’s Voluntary and Community Action (VCA). The Halton Foundation’s grant making arm is administered by the Community Foundation for Merseyside.

Applications to the fund must be for young people aged under 25 from Halton who are one of the following;

  • From a vulnerable family.
  • Is a care leaver.
  • Has a disability or learning difficulty.
  • The fund will also consider applications to help vulnerable young people under 25 to buy smart clothes/shoes for job interviews to help towards securing employment.

Grants are targeted towards vulnerable young people, and/or those from low-income families. 

Amount Available:

Up to £500 subject to available funds. You will be required to provide receipts for items purchased.
More may be awarded in exceptional circumstances.

Please note – The fund cannot consider grants for expenditure outside of the UK, such as for international study or trips abroad.

For more information and how to apply:
