Free Training - Raising Awareness on Domestic Abuse and Suicide


The objective of these training sessions is to raise general awareness among professionals regarding the complex interplay between domestic abuse and suicide. By equipping professionals with a deeper understanding of these issues, the training aims to enhance their capacity to recognise warning signs, provide appropriate support, and contribute to suicide prevention efforts within their respective roles.

 This training is tailored for professionals across various sectors in Cheshire and Merseyside, including but not limited to:

  • Social services
  • Healthcare providers
  • Mental health practitioners
  • Police, probation
  • Educational institutions
  • Voluntary and community services and organisations

Upon completion of the training, participants will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics between domestic abuse and suicide.
  • Develop skills in identifying warning signs and risk factors for suicide among survivors of domestic abuse.
  • Offer support and signposting to individuals at risk of suicide within their professional capacities.
  • Strengthen their self-care practices to mitigate the impact of vicarious trauma.


You can sign up to a session(s) via this link below:


Please note: that there are three full day courses available and three courses run over two non-consecutive half days, which you must attend both of to complete this course.