Covid Vaccination

  • COVID-19 Spring Vaccine Bookings To Open For Cheshire And Merseyside Residents

    17 April 2024


    People at increased risk from COVID-19 in Cheshire and Merseyside are being encouraged to book in for their spring vaccine as the NHS National Booking System opens.

    Eligible people include those aged 75 or over (on 30 June 2024), people with a weakened immune system and those who live in an older adult care home, who are all more likely to have severe illness if they catch the virus.

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  • Autism Friendly Vaccine Clinic - Runcorn

    9 November 2023


     The Autism Wellbeing Project CIC are now in a position where they can now open up their autism friendly vaccine clinic to those aged 16+ and their parents/carers. You don’t have to be diagnosed to access this clinic.   To book in for your Covid and/or Flu vaccination you need to follow these steps.  Please note that this clinic cannot provide the flu vaccine to under 18s ONLY the Covid vaccine;


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