0-19+ Service in St Helens - New Telephone Number


The contact telephone number for the 0-19+ Service has changed.

new number 0-19 st helens service

The 0-19+ Service includes:


Parents, carers and health professionals can contact the service on the new telephone number - 01744 411277.

Dedicated children and young people’s website

With the click of a button, parents, carers, and young people can also access a range of local and tailored support, information, and advice via the children and young people’s website.


The website includes videos and resources - ranging from baby packs to fussy eating, puberty support to vaccination schedules, as well as local online support groups. To search for a particular service, people can either use the A-Z service directory or the search function.

 Parents and carers can also find lots of friendly support and advice via the dedicated Health Visiting and School Nursing Facebook pages:


  • Health Visiting Facebook page @HVHubSH
  • School Nursing Facebook page @SNHubSH