Crownway Community Centre

To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Earlestown and Newton, St Helens, Merseyside, by association with local authorities, voluntary bodies and said inhabitants in a common effort to advance education, improve health and wellbeing and provide facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life of said inhabitants

Smoke Free

Every Monday afternoon from 2pm-6pm | Free

Quit smoking one to one help sessions. No need to book an appointment, just come along and find out more from a friendly team of experienced advisors.

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Tot's Cafe - term time

Wednesday's 11.30am to 12.30pm | Free

During term time only, free but attendees must pay for any food or drink consumed. Aimed at toddler's and thier carers.

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Walking Group

Wednesdays at 10am | Free

Walking group seting off from Crownway Community Centre for a gentle 60 minute walk which can later be increased a the participants' request. Please arrive by 9.50am. All levels of fitness welcome.

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Crownway Community Centre

Crown Street Earlestown, WA12 9DA 01925 222907