HSAB Training Programme - September 2022 to March 2023

Halton Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) subsidises a small programme of training to enhance opportunity and access to learning across Halton. For this second half of the year, as promised, they have managed to book some of these sessions as face-to-face training.

Obviously, as we head into winter months, there may be changes to national or local measures to contain infection rises related to Covid, and/or other flu outbreaks. They will ensure these are communicated as soon as they have details.

Please look carefully when booking as some sessions for this period are still running as online learning. Once a booking has been made please ensure you are in the right place at the right time to participate.

This training is offered free of charge to those living and working in Halton and who have a direct involvement in the care and support of adults with additional needs. This includes volunteers, carers, those employed through a personal budget and those who use services. Courses covers local process, policy and protocol and are not relevant to those out of area.