Creative Alternatives is the award-winning arts on prescription service for adults aged 18+, living or accessing healthcare in St Helens who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, anxiety &/or stress.
The service aims to improve the emotional and social wellbeing of our clients through regular engagement in creative activity which in turn helps them to:
- Relax and de-stress
- Develop personal creativity and self-expression
- Engage in group activities & feel less socially isolated
- Increase resilience, find positive coping skills and improve social confidence
Clients can be referred in by a partner organisation using either a professional or self-referral form. Currently there are both face to face and online groups available meaning they can choose one or the other, depending on their preference or personal circumstances. Face-to-face groups take place on a Thursday afternoon in St Helens Town Hall and online sessions are on a Friday morning using the Zoom platform (dates and times for the next intake points are provided once a client is referred into the service).
Creative Alternatives is free to access and they offer up to 12 weekly sessions. Both face-to-face and online sessions provide a mix of integrated creative activities that are thematic and allow clients to try a variety of approaches, giving them the chance to explore, play and create with a mix of both visual arts and creative/expressive writing. Additional benefits also include: guided mindfulness exercises; free tickets and organised group outings to Cultural Hubs events; check-in calls and support outside of the weekly sessions; information on self-care; and signposting to other wellbeing services and groups in the St Helens area.
Anyone interested in taking part must first submit a referral form, and they will then be invited to attend a taster session. This helps both the client and Creative Alternatives to assess if they are the right service for client needs before they are then offered a place on the longer programme. A full list of eligibility criteria is also available as a separate document.
If you would like any further information &/or a referral pack to send out to your clients/patients/service users/students, then please get in touch with:
Helen Holden, Project Coordinator e.
Or if you’d like to have an initial chat over the phone, then please call: 07745 590 698
More information about Creative Alternatives can also be found in the attached document below or by visiting their website:
Creative Alternatives is commissioned by St Helens Council’s Public Health Department and is part of the Cultural Hubs-Arts in Libraries Programme for St Helens and is managed by the Alef Trust.