Request from Vola to complete a Community based Digital Inclusion Survey
Do you deliver Digital Inclusion activities across the Liverpool city region?
This could include the provision of IT drop-in facilities for people to get online, delivery of digital skills training, equipment loan schemes (or similar), or volunteer Digital Champion (Guide/ Buddy) schemes to help people to use a computer and get online. Or you may do something else a little bit different that we haven’t quite thought of!
If you do any one or more of these types of activities, please complete our online Digital Inclusion survey by Friday 29th July.
You can access the survey via the following link:
It would be really helpful if each organisation provided one response only, so please liaise with your colleagues (some of which may have also been notified of, or otherwise heard about this survey), to save potential duplication of effort. We have sent an invitation to organisations we know of that deliver Digital Inclusion work, but we know there will be others out there who we are not familiar with, so want to get the message round to ensure everyone has the opportunity to tell us about what they do.
What is the purpose of this survey?
VOLA has been commissioned by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCR CA) to undertake some research and mapping into current Digital Inclusion activities that are happening on the ground in local communities across the city region, so that the overall picture at a city region level can be brought up to date. This is will also hopefully identify areas of good or promising practice and innovation in the community, as well as places where there may be gaps that need to be addressed; and will ultimately help to inform future LCR CA strategy around Digital inclusion, an area of work that is high on their list of priorities. We intend to publish some of the data in a simple format on an online map that can be used by individuals and service providers help people to find out where they can go to get online, access training, etc. The survey will not request any personal or commercially sensitive information, rather, quite simply we want to know what you do, where you do it, who you do it with, the scale of your provision and your views on usage and capacity.
In addition to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, who have commissioned this work and the University of Liverpool, who we are working with to undertake this research, information gathered through this survey may be shared with Local Authorities across the LCR and the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (NHS), who all equally have a keen interest in Digital Inclusion and would benefit from an up-to-date picture of DI activity in their respective areas. We won’t share any personal information without people’s consent (name, email address, phone number is the only personal info requested).