Chain Lane Community Centre A.G.M And New Trustees Wanted

12 January 2023

Chain Lane Community Centre A.G.M and new Trustees


There’s a warm invitation to come to the Chain Lane Community Centre AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Thursday 2nd February, 1.00pm at the Centre. You can attend either in person at the Centre or via ZOOM. They are also looking to strengthen their Management Board and so are keen to hear from you if you'd be interested in becoming a Trustee/Director (they’re a Registered Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee) of their thriving community centre.


Please let Pam know on the details below if you'd like to attend the AGM and do get in touch for more information if you'd be interested in becoming a Trustee/Director.


Pam   078 9999 0175


Chain Lane Community Centre, Hinckley Road, St. Helens WA11 9HT