Arts for Impact 2024: Applications Open


Big Give, the UK’s leading match fund platform, is launching its inaugural Arts for Impact campaign in partnership with New Philanthropy for Arts & Culture (NPAC), a network of arts supporters who are passionate about increasing philanthropic support of the arts and culture sector. The Arts for Impact campaign is aimed at supporting arts and culture charities working to achieve societal impact across the UK. Applications from charities interested in participating are open now until Friday, December 15th 2023

The campaign will see the public’s generosity multiplied, as donations to the participating charities will be doubled by the Big Give’s Arts for Impact match fund, which has been supported by generous ‘champions’, typically philanthropists, foundations or companies. Charities can apply for three tiers of match funding - £2,500, £5,000, or £10,000. For a small number of charities (which have an annual income of above £1m as per last filed accounts), they will consider targets up to £20,000 (to be doubled by match funds).

They welcome applications from charities across the UK. 

The campaign will run between 19th - 26th March 2024. For full details on the eligibility criteria for this campaign, please visit the Arts for Impact page via this link:  

They greatly encourage charities to apply by December 15th to take advantage of this great doubling donation opportunity.