St Helens Carnival of Creativity
St Helens Arts in Libraries is very excited to inform you about our flagship 2024 event, the Carnival of Creativity, taking place on 31st August 2024. They would be delighted if you could attend!
Celebrating Halton's Heritage Showcase Event
Celebrating Halton's Heritage Showcase Event
Join in the final event of Celebrating Halton’s Heritage. A fabulous showcase of all the exhibitions and projects funded through this programme which has focused on the trades of Halton over the centuries. The programme has been funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of Halton’s Borough of Culture year in 2021 and the showcase is being run as part of the national Heritage Open Days programme.
Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership: Sports, Arts and Culture Fund Launch - Including 3 Network Sessions
News from the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership on funding for St Helens Groups
Sport, Art and Culture Fund is now live. Deadline for applications is 2nd September.