Age UK Mid Mersey are looking for an Excel Expert to develop Custom Workbooks.

Age UK Mid Mersey are looking for an Excel Expert to develop Custom Workbooks

Can you help to create custom workbooks that make tracking costs a breeze for the charity? They need someone who can design user-friendly, efficient tools tailored to fit their unique financial and operational needs.

Age UK Mid Mersey (AUKMM) is a local independent charity, working with 2000+ people aged 50+ each year, living in the boroughs of Halton, St. Helens, Warrington, and Knowsley. Although they are a brand partner of Age UK, they source their  own funding and set their own services. To ensure that their charity is more financially secure and they get the most out of funding grants it is essential that they are able to build full cost recovery in to their projects.

See attached for full details of their requirements and how to submit an expression of interest.