Age UK Mid Mersey (St Helens)

To promote improved quality of life and empowerment, for people aged 50+ and their carers. Our mission is: To be – enabling people aged 50+ to make informed decisions about their lives To be – passionate about our work with people aged 50+ To be – draw strength from the combined voices of people aged 50+ To be – innovative, effective and outcomes focused To share our – be authoritative, be trusted and be quality orientated Our activities: Advice and Information Holistic goal orientated Living Well Support Activity and social groups Expert Panels Volunteering opportunities Warm Home Projects Digital Inclusion Support

Digital Coffee Morning (online)

Mondays 11.00am-12.00pm | Free

Online coffee morning. Open to anyone aged 50+.

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St Helens Men's Group, 50+(Coffee, chat, games)

Mondays 12:30-pm-2:30pm | Free

Men 50+ social/chat sessions. Session is free but donations welcome.

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Runcorn Coffee and a Chat

Thursdays 10:30am-12:30pm | Paid

Coffee and a chat for over 50's who want a space to socialise and meet new people. Usually a quiz. Light refreshments are provided and free parking. £2.50 per session.

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Age UK Mid Mersey (St Helens)

The Bungalow, St Helens, WA10 2UE 0300 003 1992