VCA Membership Application Form

Indicates required field
Organisation Details

Being a member of Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action will provide you with:

  1. Included in our Searchable Online Directory
  2. Free financial health check provided through the Community Accountancy Service
  3. Free publicity for your events and news on our website and included in our ebulletin
  4. Access to our Volunteer Centres
  5. Free access to GRIPP and support after your report is issued
  6. Regular up to date information on current news, issues and events.
  7. Access to STAR Standard information
  8. Access to our Forums/Networks

Affiliated Membership has an annual fee of £10.00.

Constitution/Set of Rules

To join VCA as a member, you must be a constituted organisation, which has a constitution, a set of rules or a mission statement etc.

You will need to attach this document to this membership application. You will not be able to complete the application process without one of these documents.

If your constitution is the new style that isn't signed by your trustee's, then you will also need to attach your signed trustee declaration form.

If you do not have one of these documents to confirm your organisation as being valid, please contact us for help -

Examples of the types of document accepted are below:

Legal Status


Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
60 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Is your constition signed?

One file only.
60 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

What is your legal status?
What are the primary purposes of your organisation?
Please indicate all beneficiaries of your service
Where do they work
Where do they work?
Geographical area
Your organisation's main contact person
e-Newsletter Sign Up
If you would like to receive our e-newsletters, please choose now.

The VCA E-Bulletin is produced fortnightly

Ad Hoc newsletters are sent out when we have information about the categories.
Your CEO Details (If applicable)
Your Chair Details (if applicable)
VCSE Connect

Information about the voluntary, community, charitable sector still remains one of the key issues raised by professionals and clinicians when you ask the question “What could the voluntary sector do?” or “How can I refer this person to something more appropriate?” As the gateway into the sector, Halton & St Helens VCA holds lots of information and data about local voluntary action. We have produced that in great detail, in “Here to Help”, provided a search facility on our website, share information with key organisations and have many different ways of sharing what groups do, but still people say they don’t know what groups exist, what they do and how they get to them or refer to them.

So Halton & St Helens VCA has been working on an extension to our database which will display information about groups in an easy format, tell you what they do and when, allow clinicians and other key professionals to log-in directly and make a referral directly to the group (as long as they have agreed to receive referrals).

This means for the first time there will be a single place where referrals to the local voluntary and community sector can be made.

If you would like your organisation to be included in the VCSE Connect directory, please tick the box below to open up a new set of questions.

If you have any questions about this service, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Quality system
Please tick one box below. Halton & St Helens VCA will only use the information in the way described below in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
GDPR regulations require us to gain permission to store your details on our database. Please tick below to confirm you are happy with this. We will not share this information with a third party without your permission. You can find our full privacy policy here:
Membership Code Of Conduct

We understand that as a member of Halton & St Helens VCA we are joining a network of organisations working to support and promote voluntary, community and social action across Halton and St Helens and that our actions as a member should be in keeping with that.

We understand this means there are expectations about the way we work with the organisation and support the promotion of the wider VCFSE sector in Halton and St Helens. If we need to raise issues about the work of VCA we will do this via the Complaints policy or by contacting the Chair and Chief Executive. We will not actively work against it or bring the organisation into disrepute. When speaking as a private citizen I will do my best to uphold the reputation of the organisation and those who work in it.

We understand that substantial breach of any part of this code may result in removal from the membership of Halton & St Helens VCA