Healthwatch St Helens Membership Form (Individual)

Your Details
Preferred Communication Method(s)
Would You like to sign up for our newsletter (sent out by email)
Equality & Diversity
What is your Ethnic Origin?
What is your gender?
Are you a carer? (unpaid)
GDPR Consent

GDPR regulations require us to gain permission to store your details on our database.

Please tick below to confirm you are happy with this. We will not share this information with a third party without your permission.

You will be added to the Halton & St Helens VCA database, which provides our stats for monitoring purposes, if you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact us:

Phone: 0300 111 0007 



Healthwatch St Helens
By submitting this form I confirm that I wish to become a member of Healthwatch St Helens and agree to abide by the Healthwatch St Helens Code of Conduct and operating procedures (these are available on request).