Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action

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10th August 2022

Welcome to the latest edition of the Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action E-Bulletin...

St Helens VCFSE Mental Health Alliance Meeting

Calling all voluntary organisation, community group or social enterprise delivering activiites / services that supports mental wellbeing for people in St Helens. Join us for our first meeting.
The role of the voluntary and community organisations in supporting mental health is well established. Organisations are rooted in their communities, are trusted by the people they work with, have a long history of social action and user-led interventions, sit outside of clinical settings, and are able to offer significant and effective levels of support. Halton & St Helens VCA continue to play an active part in many strategic partnerships within both boroughs of Halton and St Helens and would like to create a space for alll VCFSE organisations working in this area to come together with the aim of exploring the opportuntiy to create a more formal Mental Health Alliance... 

Cost of Living Stakeholder Toolkit

The Government is providing £37 billion this year to help households combat the rising cost of living. As this may lead to questions about how much people may be entitled to, the DWP have produced a toolkit for shareholders...

Hate Crime Survey - Cheshire

John Dwyer, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire has produced a new survey to find out people's views and experiences about Hate Crime in Cheshire. As well as asking people about the scope of hate crime, this survey seeks to understand people’s experiences, their knowledge of reporting options and support services, and the reason for any barriers that may exist to reporting incidents. Hate crime comes in many forms and its impact is felt in a variety of ways, which is why he is looking to get the widest possible range of views and experiences from the communities affected by it.The survey will run until the end of summer...

Cheshire and Merseyside Menopause Survey

The Cheshire and Merseyside Menopause Special Interest Group would like to improve people’s experience of menopause in St Helens and surrounding areas. In order to understand what menopausal women/people in Cheshire and Merseyside experience and feel about menopause services it was agreed that a Menopause Survey should be done across the region. Would you consider completing this survey please? It will give vital information about your experiences, what you need and what you feel is missing. It will help to shape future Menopause services in Cheshire and Merseyside...

Message From Conor McGinn MP Member of Parliament for St Helens North

Conor McGinn MP, Member of Parliament for St Helens North, has sent the following message: It has been yet another busy time for me and my team. Please find attached my latest Community & Parliamentary Summer Report for 2022, where you can read all about some of the work I have been doing in St Helens North and Westminster, to stand up for local people and get things done for our community. I do hope you find it to be an interesting and useful update. Have a wonderful, restful summer and I look forward to seeing you soon...

Halton Safeguarding Adults Board – Training Programme 2022/23

Halton Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) subsidises a small programme of training to enhance opportunity and access to learning across Halton. For this second half of the year, they have managed to book some of these sessions as face-to-face training. Obviously, as we head into winter months, there may be changes to national or local measures to contain infection rises related to Covid, and/or other flu outbreaks. They will ensure these are communicated as soon as they have details. This training is offered free of charge to those living and working in Halton and who have a direct involvement in the care and support of adults with additional needs. This includes volunteers, carers, those employed through a personal budget and those who use services...

St Helens Wellbeing Service Quarterly Newsletter

St Helens Wellbeing Service have produced their new quarterly newsletter, which has information on some of their teams’ activities. If you have any clients / patients / family members (or yourself perhaps) who you feel would benefit from attending the service, please signpost / refer them to the service...

Kooth Drop In's During Summer Holiday’s

Are you under 18 and need to talk to someone about your worries or concerns? Kooth are holding some free drop in sessions in Widnes where you can chat in confidence to someone about anything worrying you. No need to make an appointment, just drop into Warrington Road Children’s Centre on any of these dates...

Mental Health Training - St Helens Wellbeing

St Helens Wellbeing are running a number of Mental Health Training sessions, which are delivered via MS Teams and last one hour (except Mental Health First Aid, which is 4 x ½ day sessions). The training is for professionals who work within the community.  However, they are very aware that it has been an exceptionally difficult time over the last few years in particular, and knowledge gained from attending the sessions is useful for your own mental wellbeing too, and for you to support those around you (friends, family, colleagues)...

Halton Funding Bulletin - August 2022

The External Funding Team at Halton Borough Council have produced their latest monthly Funding Bulletin covering recent grants alerts for the period 1 July to 29 July 2022. If you would like support to bid to any of the funding streams listed in the Bulletin, they can support with this...

St Helens Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-2025 Consultation

You are invited to take part in the St Helens Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022-2025 consultation. Community pharmacies are one of the most frequented health care settings in England and play an important role in community health. A PNA is a document which records the assessment of the need for pharmaceutical services within a specific area. As such, it sets out a statement of the pharmaceutical services which are currently provided, together with when and where these are available to a given population. The same regulations require NHS England to use the PNA to consider applications to open a new pharmacy, move an existing pharmacy or to commission additional services from a pharmacy. The consultation will run until 31st August 2022...

Introduction to Employability Course - Widnes

Halton Adult Learning have a new "Introduction to Employability" course starting Monday 19th September. On this course clients will learn how to approach and adapt CV’s, personal statements, person specifications and covering letters as part of the application process. They will learn how to prepare for an interview by researching the company and the role and preparing brief answers to a given set of questions that are likely to be asked at an interview. They will also look at the practical aspects of job interviews such as documents required and the location. This course will also guide your clients through the basic ICT skills required to search and apply for jobs. This course will be delivered on a Monday and Tuesday, 9.30am to 3pm (across 2 weeks) at Kingsway Learning Centre, Widnes...

Let's Get Physical' Event At Newton Community Centre

On Wednesday 31st August Newton Community Centre will be hosting a free 'Let's Get Physical' event open to all! No need to book, just pop in...

Adult Cycle Training – Commissioning Brief for the Community Suppliers List

The Liverpool City Region Combine Authority (LCRCA) has secured some funding to deliver adult cycle training to certain community groups identified by the Liverpool City Region Active Travel Forum and from research carried out across the city region. The LCRCA is now seeking suitable suppliers from the Community Suppliers list to deliver adult cycle training to the groups identified...

Pease feel free to forward this email onto any other organisations/individuals who you feel would be interested. Apologies if you receive this email more than once.

If you have any comments you would like to tell us about this e-bulletin, please send an email to ldaffern@haltonsthelensvca.org.uk or if you have any news/events you would like us to publicise, please complete our News/Events webform: https://www.haltonsthelensvca.org.uk/form/vca-news-events-template


Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action

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Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action, incorporating Volunteer Centre Halton and Volunteer Centre St Helens, is Registered in England & Wales as a Registered Charity No. 1106001 and a Company Limited by Guarantee No. 2539153.

St Maries
Lugsdale Lane
Widnes, WA8 6DB

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